Did you find Christine Cooper, Realtor® on BingPlaces.com? It’s your lucky day!! We’re running a special for new clients searching for a home and close before 12/31/2024. New clients who complete the form above and close with Christine Cooper, Realtor® REMAX Preferred on or before 12/31/2024 will save $500 on their closing fees. Some restrictions apply. See details below.

Link to complete the BING New Client $500 Special Form: HERE

Contact Christine with any questions!


Christine Cooper, Realtor®
REMAX Preferred | 5320 Monona Dr, Monona, WI 53716
#608-618-0079 | Christine@ChristineBCooper.com

Discount Details:
*An Agency Agreement must be in place at time of closing, and the recipient must be a “client” of Christine Cooper, Realtor® (Agent), REMAX Preferred (Firm) at the time of closing. Applies to any NEW customer(s) who complete the registration form (linked above) between 10/8/2024 - 12/31/2024
AND close on the sale or purchase of their home in Dane County Wisconsin between the dates of 10/8/2024 and 12/31/2024 with Christine Cooper, Realtor® at REMAX Preferred. Savings applies to any purchase OR any sale that closes between 10/8/2024 - 12/31/2024 in Dane County Wisconsin for a combined maximum savings of $1,000. Christine Cooper, Realtor® with REMAX Preferred is a licensed Realtor® in the state of Wisconsin and this is in accordance with the Equal Housing Opportunity. If the agency agreement is terminated, details outlined above are not met, and/or the sale fails to close, the $500 savings does not apply/is not to be paid by Agent. Clients reserve the right to decline the $500 savings.